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벌이 만드는 초강력 천연 항생제 프로폴리스


 프로폴리스 -2000 mg + Zinc and Onion­­­­­­­­


꿀벌들은 다양한 나무와 식물들로부터 채집한 수액에 자신의 타액과 효소를 혼합하여 진한갈색의 프로폴리스를 만들고, 벌집에 발라 여왕벌과 유충들을 박테리아와 바이러스의 감염으로부터 보호합니다.

자연에서 얻은 강력한 항균및 항산화 작용을 하는 프로폴리스는 20가지이상의 플라보노이드 성분을 함유하고 있어 인체에서 세포손상을 유발시키는 활성산소를 제거해 인체를 보호하며 세포의 재생과 성장을 촉진하고 면역력과 자연치유력을 증가시켜 건강을 유지시켜주는 자연의 선물입니다. 프로폴리스는 이미 다양한 치료효과가 널리 알려져 있고 이러한 강력한 소염, 진통효과가 있음에도 부작용이 없다고 합니다. 에버그린 프로폴리스는 생산과정이 청결하고 까다롭기로 유명한 뉴질랜드식약청 규정을 준수 하여 GMP 인증을 받아 제조되고 있습니다.


효능은 어떨까요?


항박테리아및 바이러스

위염및 위궤양 치료효과

구강염증예방및 치아보호



복용대상 : 



아토피성 피부염이 있으신분

목이 자주 아프신분

코가막히거나 비염이 있으신분



정제: 1일 2-4정 물과함께 복용하세요


**주의 : 꿀벌관련 알러지가 있거나 천식이 있으신분은 복용하실 수 없습니다

Propolis 2000mg+Zinc 120 cap-프로폴리스

  • Description

    Propolis 2000mg + Zinc 120 capsulesPropolis is a resinous material used in honeybees' hives to protect against external viral threats. It is a natural source of bioflavonoids and phenolic acids. It gives beneficial antibacterial, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties.Evergreen Propolis contains high levels of flavonoids, which are special types of antioxidants. PFL stands for the Propolis Flavonoid Level and refers to the concentration of flavonoids.Benefits: It helps toProvide protection against infectious invadersPromote healing and regeneration of tissueProvide an excellent source of energy and staminaIngredients (Per two Capsules)Gelatin capsule, Propolis extract contains raw 2000 mg pure Propolis, Onion (Allium Cepa) Ext 30 mg, Zinc Oxide 15 mg.Each dose contains 30mg of Flavonoid (PFL 30) DirectionsTake one capsule twice daily with food. Increase to two capsules twice daily as required.GuaranteeEvergreen makes products only from pure chemical-free and natural ingredients. These products are not intended to treat or cure the disease but are dietary supplements.WarningBee propolis may cause severe allergic reactions in some people. If irritation of the throat or mouth occurs, discontinue use.Pregnant or lactating women should consult their health professional before use.Propolis 2000mg+Zinc 120capsules

    Propolis is a resinous material used in honeybees' hives to protect against external viral threats. It is a natural source of bioflavonoids and phenolic acids. It gives beneficial antibacterial, antioxidant & antiinflammatory properties.

    Evergreen Propolis contains high levels of flavonoids, which are special types of antioxidants. PFL stands for the Propolis Flavonoid Level and refers to the concentration of flavonoids.

    Benefits: It helps

    • Provide protection against infectious invaders
    • Promote healing and regeneration of tissue
    • Provide an excellent source of energy and stamina.

    Ingredients (Per two Capsules)

    Gelatin capsule, Propolis extract contains raw 2000mg pure Propolis, Onion (Allium Cepa) Ext 30mg, Zinc Oxide 15 mg.

    Each dose contains 30mg of Flavonoid (PFL 30)


    Take one capsule twice daily with food. Increase to two capsules twice daily as required.

    Guarantee: Evergreen makes only pure chemical-free and natural ingredients. These products are not intended to treat or cure the disease but are dietary supplements.


    Bee propolis may cause severe allergic reactions in some people. If irritation of the throat or mouth occurs, discontinue use.

    Pregnant or lactating women should consult their health professional before use.

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